Department of Civil Engineering
15 Academic staff
99 Students
48 Modules
The department of Civil Engineering as established within the Faculty of Engineering since year 2006. Civil Engineering Department at Koya University prepares students for a degree in civil engineering. Civil engineers plan, design, build, and maintain facilities which are essential to our civilization such as: bridges, dams, highways, transit systems, airports, tunnels, irrigation systems, water supply, and industrial and commercial buildings. It is one of the most enriching careers open to men and women and rewarding in personal fulfillment, in enduring service to human kind, and in financial benefits. Civil Engineering includes the following sub disciplines: structural engineering, construction engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, environmental engineering and water resources engineering. The department is committed directly in improving the community life of Kurdistan Region and in particular Koya City through its activities in Consultancy Bureau, the applied researches conducted by the staff and the students, the seminars and workshops presented in cooperation with the Governmental Departments in the city, and also through the field engineers who graduated from the department. Undergraduate programs in the department include both pure and applied mathematics subjects together with updated optional subjects that the industry and market is in need for.
Civil engineering is concerned with planning, design, construction of facilities which are essential to modern life. Civil engineers are problem solvers in the areas of structures, water supply, traffic congestion, pollution, and infrastructure improvements. Societal needs, economic conditions and public safety are paramount in the work accomplished by civil engineers. Our vision is guided by the need to provide innovative and appropriate solutions to these issues through the education of engineers in both the technical and social aspects of engineering, including advanced methods, technologies and policies, and the need for life-long learning. The Department of Civil Engineering strives to graduate highly qualified engineers, provide quality professional and community service to the region and the world.
The Mission of the Department of Civil Engineering is to educate our students to prepare for careers in which they can contribute positively to the design, construction, maintenance and advancement of civil engineering-based systems critical to the quality of life in a changing Kurdistan and world. We do this by providing students with the skills and tools necessary to understand the physical world, to apply this understanding to current and future needs of society and to responsibly and ethically address the impacts that engineered systems can have on a community and its environment. As part of this process, the Department's faculty and students will advance the state of knowledge of the discipline through researches, publications and relevant services to the profession and community.
Academic Staff